Share structure
GreenGold Group AB (G3X) is a Swedish public (publ) company which has a broad European ownership base with approx. 200 owners from 15 countries, and a significant ownership by management of the Company.
The Company has two categories of shares, A and B, with different voting power.
A shares – GreenGold management team only
1 share = 10 voting rights
B shares – ordinary shares
1 share = 1 voting right
A and B shares carry equal rights towards GreenGold’s assets and profits.
Primary preferential rights for both A and B shareholders in case of capital increase, pro-rata to the number of shares previously owned in their respective class of shares
G3X’s shareholder register is administrated by The Swedish Central Securities Depository (Euroclear Sweden). Name: GREENGOLD, ISIN: SE0014583647
Number of outstanding shares as per: 30 June 2023
A shares: 1,076,659
B shares: 9,291,941
Total: 10,368,600
Visiting address:
Kungsgatan 29 (7th floor)
Mailing address:
Box 7331, SE 103 90